The unappreciated utility, water, and the potential for savings
Since April 2017, most businesses in England have been able to choose who manages their billing and customer services for water, rather than going with your local provider without having a say. Now businesses are finally starting to acknowledge the potential for savings in the unappreciated utility, water.
Deregulation of the English water market has removed the monopoly of water providers for business users, meaning you are now free to choose your water supplier. For some time, 7 out of 10 business, charity and public sector customers had been wanting to choose, but only those who use more than five million litres have been able to. As a result, many companies have almost completely ignored water as an important utility asset and a cost item.
What does it mean for you?
Like with your gas and electricity you have the freedom to choose your own supplier for water, sewage and drainage services. This gives you the flexibility to shop around for the best price, as competition now exists between water companies vying for your customership.
Start realising the potential of the unappreciated utility, water, now.
Realise the potential for savings
You will be surprised about the hundreds and even thousands of pounds our customers have saved with our thorough water audit, by fitting water meters, cutting down on how much they use, and us procuring new water contracts for them. Our customers within housing associations, education organisations, corporations, property management, and councils have realised the potential for savings in the unappreciated utility, water

What you get
Get a free water audit
Our clients who have used our water audit service have already saved thousands. It is available to everyone regardless of the size of their water supplies. As some aspects of water charges are independent of the amount of water consumed, it is possible for savings to be achieved even where your volume of use is relatively small. The water audit also serves as the basis for a water efficiency strategy.
In order to assist you with reducing water costs, we arrange a free, no obligation water audit to your organisation to manage costs and achieve savings for past overcharges. We’ll negotiate with suppliers on your behalf and take control of your complicated water invoices with our industry standard-setting validation service.

Intelligent water procurement
Our water procurement and management service will work much like our current tried-and-tested system for energy. We will provide a dedicated team to manage your invoice validation, sourcing the best prices and consolidating your financial output through intelligent utilities management. We will conduct the same rigorous tendering and intelligent procurement process as with energy purchasing.
Not only will the competition drive down costs, water companies will also be forced to improve their customer and supply, meaning that you’ll get an even better service. They will also develop incentives to add value to the services they provide, to further entice you to use them as your supplier. All this amounts to realising the potential for savings for you.
Charges and cost recovery
Water charges are becoming an increasing burden for organisations. It is important that you monitor these costs closely. Water charges are complex, varied and opaque and, for the majority of the UK, not subject to competitive pressures. As such, it is no surprise that many organisations are overcharged for their water and sewerage services. Unfortunately, they do not often have access to the necessary resources to ensure their water charges are correct.
You as the client are free to cherry-pick which recommendations you would like to proceed with. We then start the work to recover your overpayments and correct the charges. The actual fee for the service derives from an agreed share of the clearly recoverable savings/refunds achieved for a limited period, after which you get the full cost reduction benefit. If you do not choose to proceed with any of our recommendations at the end of the process, there is no cost.
Water efficiency strategy
On top of conducting a water audit of your premises, we can help devise a strategy to help you monitor and reduce your water consumption. In addition to the water audit, we will also use your Asset Register as a basis for the water efficiency strategy.
As 3 billion litres of water are lost in the UK each day due to leaks, it’s crucial that we identify any problem areas to both help the environment and benefit you financially.
We are happy to provide any further information whenever you may require it, email us
When you want to start saving water, download our Monarch Explains Water Saving Guide 2018.