Get the deal that suits you.
Our aim is to reduce your overheads and get the best prices for your energy and water.
Having an intelligent procurement strategy allows you to understand your total cost base and consumption trends. As a result, you efficiently manage your portfolio, investment and cash-flow projections.
Before any procurement action, we recommend you make sure all your site and meter data is accurate and valid. We can collect missing data, correct the inaccurate details and verify your utility asset database with our Smart Asset Management solution.
We recommend our Intelligent Procurement solution to all industries and customers: housing associations, education, corporate, property, and councils.
- Free OJEU and UK compliant frameworks
- Negotiation of contract and prices
- Strategy to meet your needs and risk aptitude
- 24/7 market monitoring to capture best prices
- Up to 24 months prior to contract renewal
- Accurate data management for your asset register
- Tender analysis and position reporting
- Smooth supplier transfer management
- Budget control with efficient cost management

The value you get
A little help from our friends
Free OJEU compliant frameworks
We work in partnership with Genesis HA and CPS to provide full OJEU compliance. Enabling all public sector and not-for-profit organisations to adhere to the EU laws and Public Contracts Regulations 2015 as well as demonstrating best value when purchasing energy or related products and services.
We have created a standard energy tender evaluation scoring model, which we use for all tenders and mini-competition call-offs to ensure OJEU and Public Contracts Regulations 2015 compliance within the framework agreement.
We are an approved supplier on the CCS framework (RM3800, Lot 9) and NHS Shared Business Service framework (Reference: SBS/17/DT/ZMF/9257, Lot 1.)
Watch out for Brexit!
Following Brexit, we will update our public procurement processes to respond to any changes the Government may choose to make. You can rest assured that, whatever changes happen, we will ensure that your tenders remain legally compliant.

Procurement Strategies in Brief
Option one: Fixed strategy
Good for securing your volume in a one-time purchase
The fixed strategy places emphasis on searching for the market low and provides price certainty. We use a wide range of market analysis techniques to identify low points in the market to lockout 100% of the volume in the portfolio. The purchases will be made within 12 months of the renewal date of your energy contract.
Option two: Lock/unlock
Good for taking advantage of market volatility
The lock/unlock strategy aims to optimise your price. We use technical analysis to identify and react to market trends and patterns. This strategy looks to cap prices in rising markets and exposes volume in falling markets, unlocking more volume than a capped strategy.
Option three: Capped
Good for budget certainty
The capped strategy places emphasis on optimising your price through risk management, but with the protection of a predetermined price cap. Mechanisms within this strategy protect against rising market prices and provide an upper-level budgetary price, whilst allowing strategic trading to capitalise on a downward market movement.
Option four: Fully flexed hybrid
Good for price optimisation if you can take the risk
The fully flexed hybrid strategy looks to buy volume within the delivery period. The energy trading team will decide whether to buy on the month ahead or day ahead market, depending on the market conditions. Please note this strategy is not available for non-half-hourly electricity supplies. You also have the option to lock/unlock with a fixed strategy if the variable price is starting to climb.
Ethical and Sustainable Procurement
What is sustainable procurement?
Sustainable procurement with us
With ethical and sustainable procurement, we focus on adherence to international standards, such as anti-bribery, corruption, fraud, and human rights abuses/modern slavery. To guarantee sustainable procurement, we aim to secure environmental, social and economic improvements without compromising current and future needs, or our customers.
We do not cooperate with suppliers, who have poor health and safety, are engaged in corruption or collusion, have failed to pay tax or social security contributions for their workforce or do not comply with labour laws. In light of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (MSA), we strive to check no forced labour exists in the supplier’s supply chains.