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Local parks have become somewhat of a haven for us all during lockdowns. Being able to visit these green, open spaces has come as a blessing. But if these spaces are so important to us, why do they continually face pollution that could so easily be prevented?

Love Parks Week is an initiative set up by the national organisation Keep Britain Tidy. Since 1954, they have focused on eliminating litter. Running various schemes including beach clean ups, national spring cleans and eco-schools.

According to Natural England, around 9 in 10 people surveyed agreed that natural spaces are key components in maintaining good mental health and wellbeing. To help ourselves we must first help the world we live in.

So, how can we help keep Britain tidy this Love Parks Week?

Appreciate wildlife

Parks across the country are full of countless different species from flowers to trees or native wildlife. They all should be protected and their environment consistently maintained. So, while we are free to appreciate the wildlife in our green spaces, it is vital that we do not damage or disturb it.

Sticking to footpaths, parking considerately and keeping dogs on leads are just some of the ways you can ensure that wildlife isn’t harmed. Seeing animals and birds in their natural habitat is always an enriching experience. And one that we should preserve for generations to come.

No fires

Lighting fires in parks and wooded areas can cause many environmental issues. Aside from creating a significant amount of air pollution, fires can severely damage the surrounding eco-systems. Fires also run the risk of getting out of control very easily. Putting not only nearby plants and wildlife in danger, but also other park goers.

BBQs should also be avoided unless stated otherwise by councils or park workers. Alternatively, you can pack a plastic free picnic to take with you on your visit. This ensures that you are still able to enjoy your outdoor lunch, while also protecting the environment around you.

Take your rubbish home

Parks, beaches and forests were put under pressure during lockdown as they became the only outdoor areas open to the public. But rather than respecting these green spaces, we took them for granted. According to Keep Britain Tidy, authorities across the country collected on average an extra 57 tonnes of litter during the first lockdown alone.

These spaces will become steadily busier as we enter summer, meaning more rubbish will inevitably accumulate. This means that bins will fill up quicker than usual. But rather than trying to strategically pile your rubbish on top of an already overflowing bin, take it home and dispose of it ethically and responsibly.

Travel clean

Most of us are lucky enough to live within walking distance from a park or common. But for some, reaching their preferred green space means using some form of transportation.

As we start to return to a form of normality, it is essential that we start to practice cleaner travel. To preserve the natural beauty of our environment we must avoid any unnecessary pollution. So, deciding to walk, run, cycle, carpool or take public transport could reduce your environmental impact massively.

Educate ourselves

One of the most effective ways we can protect our parks and green spaces moving forward is by educating ourselves. While we continue to protect these spaces to the best of our ability, it is important that we understand why we do.

Visiting local parks gives people the chance to see first hand just how important these spaces are, and how we can preserve them. Incorporating environmental studies in syllabuses also allows for the next generation to be conscious of the world around them.

Since launching in 1994, the environmental initiative Eco-schools now operates in 67 countries and engages 19.5 million young people. It is thanks to platforms like this that new generations are growing up understanding the full importance of sustainability.

How can Monarch help?

Working towards a sustainable future is in everyone’s best interest. So, it is important that we continue to find new and effective ways of protecting our environment.

At Monarch, we make finding you a sustainable future our priority. Our 30+ years of experience and comprehensive list of services enable us to determine the best solutions for you and your business.

Get in touch today to hear more about how we can help you take the first step on your sustainability journey.

Sophie Wyatt

Author Sophie Wyatt

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