Intelligent Procurement
Understanding your cost and consumption trends
Our energy procurement team monitor the wholesale market, analysing prices daily to guarantee you the best value for money. They know when the iron is hot and will strike the deals that you may not have the time, knowledge or resources to capture yourself.
We can collect missing data, correct inaccurate details and verify your utility asset database with our Smart Asset Management solution. Which helps us to understand your cost and consumption trends. As a result, you efficiently manage your portfolio, investment and cash-flow projections.
Transparent Procurement
Accurate data management for your asset register
Transparent procurement brings with it many opportunities.
Aside from simpler budget control with efficient cost management and smooth supplier transfer management, there are several other factors that can make understanding supplies much easier.
Free OJEU compliant frameworks
Working in partnership with Genesis HA and CPS, we can provide full, free OJEU and UK compliant frameworks to meet your needs and risk aptitude. Enabling public sector and not-for-profit organisations to adhere to the EU laws and Public Contracts Regulations 2015.
We are an approved supplier on the CCS framework (RM3800, Lot 9) and NHS Shared Business Service framework (Reference: SBS/17/DT/ZMF/9257, Lot 1.)
Become better equipped for future budgeting
The Section 20 Act blocks Housing Associations from entering into contracts over 12 months in length where final costs are passed onto tenants, such as energy bills. To enter into contracts exceeding 12 months, Housing Associations must go through a process of communicating their intention with its tenants and discussing potential implications; this is called Dispensation.
Benefits of section 20 include having future transparency and price visibility. Going beyond 12 months also opens up improved risk management and hedging options for increased procurement flexibility.
If you are interested in becoming a sustainable and resource-efficient business, take a look at what other Sustainability services we offer.
To guarantee sustainable procurement, we aim to secure environmental,
social and economic improvements without compromising current and future needs, or our customers.
We do not cooperate with suppliers who have poor health and safety, are engaged in corruption, have failed to pay tax or social security contributions for their workforce or do not comply with labour laws. In light of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (MSA), we strive to check no forced labour exists in the supplier’s supply chains.